

c. 2,000,000-c. 10,000 B.C.: Paleolithic Age.
c. 10,000 B.C.: Last ice age ends.
c. 10,000-c. 4000 B.C.: Neolithic Age.
c. 3500 B.C.: Beginnings of Sumerian civilization.
c. 3100 B.C.: Pharaoh Menes unites the kingdoms of Upper and Lower Egypt.
c. 3000 B.C.: Babylon established.
c. 2950 B.C.: First examples of hieroglyphs in Egypt.
c. 2920 B.C.: First Dynasty begins in Egypt.
c. 2800 B.C.: Mycenaeans leave the Black Sea area, moving toward Greece.
c. 2650 B.C.: Beginning of Old Kingdom in Egypt.
c. 2650 B.C.: Step Pyramid of Saqqara, designed by Imhotep, built under reign of pharaoh Zoser.
c. 2550 B.C.: Great Pyramid of Cheops built in Egypt.
c. 2500 B.C.: Indus Valley civilization begins in India.
c. 2300 B.C.: Early Dynastic Period ends in Sumer; Sargon of Akkad, first great Mesopotamian ruler, establishes Akkadian Empire.
c. 2200 B.C.: Hsia, semi-legendary first dynasty of China, begins.
2150 B.C.: End of Old Kingdom in Egypt; beginning of First Intermediate Period.
c. 2150 B.C.: Akkadian Empire ends with Gutian invasion of Mesopotamia; rise of Ur.
c. 2000 B.C.: Origins of Gilgamesh Epic in Sumer.
c. 2000 B.C.: Phoenician civilization established.
c. 2000 B.C.: Beginnings of Mayan civilization in Mesoamerica.
c. 2000 B.C.: Establishment of Kushite civilization in Africa.
c. 2000 B.C.: Beginnings of Minoan civilization in Crete.
1986 B.C.: Pharaoh Mentuhotep II unites all of Egypt; end of First Intermediate Period and beginning of Middle Kingdom.
c. 1900 B.C.: Indus Valley civilization begins to decline.
1813 B.C.: Shamshi-Adad, first important Assyrian ruler, takes throne.
1792 B.C.: End of Old Babylonia in Mesopotamia; Hammurabi, who later establishes first legal code in history, takes throne.
1766 B.C.: Shang Dynasty, first historic line of Chinese kings, begins.
c. 1760 B.C.: Hammurabi of Babylonia takes control of Assyria.
1759 B.C.: Middle Kingdom ends in Egypt; beginning of Second Intermediate Period.
c. 1750 B.C.: Beginning of Hittite civilization, establishment of capital at Hattush in Asia Minor.
c. 1700 B.C.: Crete experiences earthquake; later the Minoans rebuild their palaces at Knossos and other sites.
c. 1700-1500 B.C.: Phoenicians develop the world’s first alphabet.
c. 1670 B.C.: Hyksos invade Egypt.
c. 1650 B.C.: Beginnings of Mycenaean civilization in Greece. 1539 B.C.: Second Intermediate Period ends in Egypt; beginning of New Kingdom.
c. 1500 B.C.: Indo-Europeans invade India; beginning of Vedic Age.
c. 1500 B.C.: Thebes founded on Greek mainland.
c. 1500-c. 1300 B.C.: Kingdom of Mitanni flourishes in Mesopotamia.
1473 B.C.: Pharaoh Hatshepsut assumes sole power in Egypt; becomes first significant female ruler in history.
c. 1450 B.C.: Minoan civilization in Crete comes to an end, probably as a result of volcanic eruption on Thera.
1363 B.C.: Ashur-uballit, who establishes the first Assyrian empire, begins reign.
c. 1347: Pharaoh Amenhotep IV changes his name to Akhenaton and introduces sweeping religious reforms.
1323 B.C.: Death of Tutankhamen in Egypt; power struggle follows, along with effort to erase memory of Akhenaton.
c. 1300 B.C.: City of San Lorenzo established in Mesoamerica.
1200s B.C.: Moses dies.
1279 B.C.: Beginning of Pharaoh Ramses II’s reign in Egypt.
1285 B.C.: Battle of Kadesh between Egyptians and Hittites.
c. 1200 B.C.: Sea Peoples bring an end to Hittite civilization in Asia Minor.
c. 1200 B.C.: Aramaeans, after briefly controlling Babylonia, conquer Syria.
c. 1200 B.C.: Olmec civilization established in what is now Mexico.
c. 1200 B.C.: Bantu peoples migrate southward from what is now Nigeria.
c. 1200 B.C.: Trojan War.
c. 1200 B.C.: Etruscans settle on Italian peninsula.
c. 1200-900 B.C.: Carving of giant heads by Olmec in Mesoamerica.
c. 1140 B.C.: Macedonians move southward, displacing the Dorians from northern Greece.
1125 B.C.: King Nebuchadnezzar I begins reign in Babylon.
c. 1100 B.C.: Dorians bring an end to Mycenaean civilization; beginning of Dark Ages in Greece, which last for four centuries.
1070 B.C.: End of New Kingdom in Egypt; Third Intermediate Period Begins.
1027 B.C.: Revolt led by Prince Wu Wang brings an end to Shang Dynasty, and the establishment of Chou Dynasty, in China.
c. 1000 B.C.: Saul killed; David becomes ruler of Israel.
c. 1000 B.C.: End of Vedic Age, beginning of Epic Age, in India.
c. 1000 B.C.: Beginnings of Chavín civilization in South America.
c. 1000 B.C.: Celts begin to spread from Gaul throughout Europe.
900s B.C.: Phoenicians begin establishing trade routes and overseas colonies.
c. 960 B.C.: David dies; Solomon becomes ruler of Israel.
934 B.C.: Beginning of Assyrian conquests which will lead to establishment of Neo-Assyrian Empire.
922 B.C.: End of Solomon’s reign, and of unified kingdom of Israel.
800s B.C.: Dorians establish Sparta.
883 B.C.: Ashurnasirpal II assumes throne in Assyria, establishes Neo-Assyrian Empire.
879 B.C.: Beginning of King Ben-Hadad II’s reign in Syria.
c. 850 B.C.: Greeks start trading with other peoples; beginning of the end of the Dark Ages.
c. 850-750 B.C.: Rise of city-states in Greece.
c. 800 B.C.: Carthage established by Phoenicians.
c. 800 B.C.: Poets Homer and Hesiod flourish in Greece.
776 B.C.: First Olympic Games held.
771 B.C.: Invasion by nomads from the north forces Chou Dynasty of China to move capital eastward; end of Western Chou period.
753 B.C.: Traditional date of Rome’s founding; Romulus first of seven legendary kings.
c. 751 B.C.: Piankhi takes throne in Kush.
722 B.C.: Spring and Autumn Period, a time of widespread unrest, begins in China.
c. 732 B.C.: Assyrians gain control of Syria.
c. 725 B.C.: King Mita, probably the source of the Midas legend, unites the Phrygians.
721 B.C.: Sargon II of Assyria conquers Israel and carries off its people, who become known as the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel.
715 B.C.: End of war with Messenia brings a rise to Spartan militarism.
712 B.C.: Kushites under Shabaka invade Egypt, establish Twenty-Fifth Dynasty; end of Third Intermediate Period, and beginning of Late Period.
c. 700 B.C.: End of Dark Ages, beginning of two-century Archaic Age, in Greece.
c. 700 B.C.: City-state of Athens, established centuries before, dominates Attica region in Greece.
600s B.C.: State of Magadha develops in eastern India.
600s B.C.: Important developments in Greek architecture: establishment of Doric order, first structures of stone rather than wood.
695 B.C.: Cimmerians invade Phrygia, ending Phrygian civilization.
689 B.C.: Assyrians sack Babylon.
c. 685 B.C.: Gyges founds Mermnad dynasty in Lydia.
681 B.C.: Sennacherib dies; Esarhaddon takes Assyrian throne.
672 B.C.: Assyrians first drive Kushites out of Egypt, install Necho I as pharaoh.
669 B.C.: Beginning of Ashurbanipal’s reign; last great Assyrian king.
667 B.C.: Assyrian troops under Ashurbanipal complete conquest of Egypt from Kushites.
Mid-600s B.C.: Meröe Period begins when Kushites, removed from power in Egypt, move their capital southward.
Mid-600s B.C.: Establishment of Ionian Greek trading colony at Naucratis in Egypt.
Mid-600s B.C.: Age of tyrants begins in Greece.
c. 650 B.C.: Scribes in Egypt develop demotic script.
648 B.C.: Ashurbanipal of Assyria subdues Babylonian revolt; his brother Shamash-shum-ukin reportedly commits suicide.
625 B.C.: Nabopolassar establishes Chaldean (Neo-Babylonian) Empire.
621 B.C.: Draco appointed by Athenian oligarchs; creates a  of extremely harsh laws.
616 B.C.: Power-sharing of Sabines and Latins in Rome ends with Etruscan takeover under legendary king Tarquinius Priscus.
613 B.C.: First recorded sighting of Halley’s Comet by Chinese astronomers.
612 B.C.: Babylonians and Medes destroy Nineveh; end of Neo-Assyrian Empire.
605 B.C.: Nabopolassar dies; his son Nebuchadnezzar II, the greatest Babylonian ruler, takes throne.
c. 600 B.C.: Pharaoh Necho II of Egypt sends a group of Carthaginian mariners on voyage around African continent.
c. 600 B.C.: Nebuchadnezzar builds Hanging Gardens in Babylon, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
Late 600s, early 500s B.C.: Romans wage series of wars against Sabines, Latins, and Etruscans.
500s B.C.: Careers of Lao-tzu and Confucius, Chinese philosophers.
500s B.C.: High point of Etruscan civilization in Italy.
594 B.C.: Solon appointed archon of Athens.
586 B.C.: Nebuchadnezzar II destroys Israelites’ capital at Jerusalem; beginning of Babylonian Captivity for Israelites.
585 B.C.: Thales, first Western philosopher, comes to fame in Greece for correctly predicting a solar eclipse on May 28.
c. 560 B.C.: Beginning of Croesus’s reign in Lydia.
Mid-500s: Israelite prophet Daniel, a captive in Babylon, flourishes.
559 B.C.: Cyrus the Great of Persia takes the throne.
550 B.C.: Cyrus the Great of Persia defeats the Medes, establishes Persian Empire.
c. 550 B.C.: King Croesus of Lydia conquers Greek city-states of Ionia.
c. 550 B.C.: Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, is built.
546 B.C.: Persian armies under Cyrus the Great depose King Croesus and take over Lydia.
546 B.C.: Cyrus the Great of Persia conquers Ionian city-states of Greece.
538 B.C.: Persians conquer Babylonia; end of Chaldean (Neo-Babylonian) Empire, and of Israelites’ Babylonian Captivity.
529 B.C.: Cyrus the Great of Persia dies, succeeded by his son, Cambyses II.
c. 528 B.C.: In India, Gautama Siddartha experiences his enlightenment; becomes known as the Buddha.
527 B.C.: Peisistratus, tyrant of Athens, dies; he is replaced by his sons, Hippias and Hipparchus, who prove unpopular.
522 B.C.: Returning to Persia to deal with rebellious forces, Cambyses II dies, and is succeeded by Darius the Great.
521 B.C.: Darius the Great of Persia conquers Punjab region of western India.
510 B.C.: Four years after the assassination of his brother Hipparchus, Athenians remove Hippias from power.
509 B.C.: Traditional date of Roman overthrow of Etruscan rule.
507 B.C.: Founding of Roman Republic.
502 B.C.: Athenians adopt a new constitution based on reforms of Cleisthenes, ending the age of tyrants; birth of democracy.
c. 500 B.C.: End of Epic Age in India.
c. 500 B.C.: Kingdom of Aksum established in Africa.
c. 500 B.C.: End of Archaic Age, beginning of Classical Age, in Greece.
c. 500 B.C.: Celts (Gauls) enter northern Italy, while other Celtic tribes settle in Britain.
499 B.C.: Persian Wars in Greece begin with revolt of Ionian city-states against Persians.
490 B.C.: Persian troops under Darius the Great burn Ionian Greek city-state of Eretria.
490 B.C.: Battle of Marathon: Greeks defeat Persians.
486 B.C.: Darius the Great of Persia dies and is succeeded by his son Xerxes, the last powerful emperor of Persia.
481 B.C.: End of Spring and Autumn Period of Chou Dynasty in China.
480 B.C.: King Xerxes of Persia launches massive attack against Greece.
480 B.C.: Battle of Thermopylae in Greece; Persians victorious despite heroic Spartan defense.
480 B.C.: Xerxes burns Athens.
480 B.C.: Battle of Salamis: Athenian-led Greek naval force defeats Persians under Xerxes.
479 B.C.: Battle of Plataea: Spartan-led force overwhelms Persians under Mardonius.
479 B.C.: Battle of Mycale: naval victory by Greeks expels Persians from mainland Greece for good.
479 B.C.: Golden Age of Greece begins.
478 B.C.: Delian League founded in Greece, with Athens as its leading city-state.
74 B.C.: Carthaginians end Etruscan dreams of empire with defeat at Cumae; Etruscan civilization begins to decline.
468 B.C.: Delian League of Greece defeats Persian fleet off Ionian coast.
462 B.C.: Pericles and Ephialtes institute a series of democratic reforms in Athens.
460 B.C.: Pericles becomes sole archon of Athens, beginning the Age of Pericles.
450s B.C.: Athenian Empire subdues various Greek citystates, wages wars throughout Mediterranean and Aegean seas.
459 B.C.: Spartans and Athenians clash over control of Megara; first of conflicts leading to Peloponnesian War in 431 B.C.
453 B.C.: Warring States Period begins in China, only ending when Ch’in Dynasty replaces the Chou dynasty in 221 B.C.
453 B.C.: Pericles of Athens becomes first leader to establish pay for jurors.
451 B.C.: The “Twelve Tables,” the first Roman legal code, established.
449 B.C.: Persian Wars officially come to an end.
c. 440 B.C.: Parthenon built in Athens.
c. 440 B.C.: Phidias sculpts Statue of Zeus at Olympia, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
431 B.C.: Peloponnesian War between Athens and Sparta begins in Greece.
430 B.C.: Herodotus begins publishing The History.
429 B.C.: Plague breaks out in war-torn Athens.
425 B.C.: Athens defeats Sparta in battle, bringing temporary end to Peloponnesian War.
420 B.C.: Because it broke Olympic truce by attacking Athens, Sparta keeps it athletes out of the Olympic Games.
412 B.C.: Ionian revolt effectively ends power of Delian League.
404 B.C.: Athens surrenders to Sparta, ending Peloponnesian War.
404 B.C.: Golden Age of Classical Greece comes to an end. c. 400 B.C.: Decline of Chavín civilization in South America.
300s B.C.: Ch’in state emerges in western China.
300s-200s B.C.: Romans conquer most Etruscan cities.
396 B.C.: Rome breaks a century-long peace treaty by conquering Etruscan city of Veii.
395 B.C.: Athens, Corinth, and Thebes revolt against Sparta, beginning Corinthian War.
390 B.C.: Celts (Gauls) invade Rome.
390 B.C.: Beginnings of Roman military buildup after expulsion of Gauls.
386 B.C.: Spartans put down revolt of Athens and other citystates, ending Corinthian War.
Mid-380s B.C.: Plato establishes Academy in Athens.
371 B.C.: Theban commander Epaminondas defeats Spartans at Leuctra, bringing an end to Spartan power over Greece.
Mid-300s B.C.: Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, is built.
359 B.C.: Philip II takes throne in Macedon, and five years later begins conquest of Balkan peninsula.
346 B.C.: Philip II of Macedon brings an end to war between Greek leagues over control of Delphi, calls for Hellenic unity.
339 B.C.: Philip II of Macedon completes conquest of Balkan peninsula.
338 B.C.: Macedonian forces under Philip II defeat Greek citystates at Charonea; Macedonia now controls Greece.
336 B.C.: Philip II assassinated; 20-year-old Alexander III (Alexander the Great) becomes king of Macedon.
335 B.C.: Alexander consolidates his power, dealing with rebellions in Macedon and Greek city-states.
335 B.C.: Aristotle establishes the Lyceum, a school in Athens.
334 B.C.: Alexander begins his conquests by entering Asia Minor.
334 B.C.: Beginning now and for the last twelve years of his life, Aristotle writes most of his works.
333 B.C.: In April, Alexander’s forces defeat Persian armies under Darius III in Cilicia; Darius flees.
332 B.C.: Alexander conquers Syria, Phoenicia, and Palestine.
332 B.C.: Alexander invades Egypt.
332 B.C.: End of Late Period in Egypt; country will not be ruled by Egyptians again for some 1,500 years.
331 B.C.: Alexander establishes city of Alexandria in Egypt.
331 B.C.: Alexander’s army completes defeat of Persians under Darius III at Gaugamela in Assyria; Darius is later assassinated.
331 B.C.: Alexander conquers Mesopotamia.
330 B.C.: Persepolis, capital of the Persian Empire, falls to Alexander the Great.
330 B.C.: Alexander embarks on four-year conquest of Iran, Bactria, and the Punjab.
324 B.C.: Chandragupta Maurya, the founder of Mauryan dynasty, takes the throne of Magadha in eastern India.
323 B.C.: Beginning of Hellenistic Age, as Greek culture takes root over the next two centuries in lands conquered by Alexander.
323 B.C.: Ptolemy, one of Alexander’s generals, establishes dynasty in Egypt that lasts for three centuries.
312 B.C.: Seleucid empire established over Persia, Mesopotamia, and much of the southwestern Asia.
c. 310 B.C.: Greek explorer Pytheas sets off on voyage that takes him to Britain and Scandinavia.
c. 300 B.C.: Composition of Mahabharata, an Indian epic, begins; writing will continue for the next six centuries.
c. 300 B.C.: Hinduism develops from the Vedic religion brought to India by the Aryans.
290 B.C.: Romans defeat Samnites, establish control over much of southern Italy.
287 B.C.: Plebeians establish power over Roman Senate.
282 B.C.: Colossus of Rhodes, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, completed; destroyed in earthquake fifty-four years later.
c. 280 B.C.: Lighthouse of Alexandria, last of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, built.
279 B.C.: Celts invade Greece, but are driven out by Antigonus Gonatas.
275 B.C.: Romans defeat Greek colonists in southern Italy, establishing control over region.
272 B.C.: Bindusara, ruler of Mauryan dynasty of India, dies; his son Asoka, the greatest Mauryan ruler, later takes throne.
264 B.C.: First Punic War between Rome and Carthage begins.
262 B.C.: Mauryan king Asoka, disgusted by his killings in battle with the Kalinga people, renounces violence.
260 B.C.: Asoka begins placement of rock and pillar edicts throughout India.
c. 250 B.C.: Kushite civilization reaches its height. It will remain strong for the next four centuries.
247 B.C.: Beginning of Parthian dynasty in Iran.
246 B.C.: End of Shang Dynasty in China.
241 B.C.: First Punic War ends with Roman defeat of Carthage; Rome controls Sicily, Corsica, and Sardinia.
230s B.C.: Asoka loses power over Indian court as rebellious advisors gain influence over his grandson Samprati.
229 B.C.: Rome establishes military base in Illyria; first step in conquest of Greece.
223 B.C.: Antiochus the Great, most powerful Seleucid ruler, begins reign in Syria.
221 B.C.: Ch’in Shih Huang Ti unites China, establishes Ch’in Dynasty as first Chinese emperor.
221 B.C.: Chinese under Ch’in Shih Huang Ti begin building Great Wall.
221 B.C.: Unification of China under Ch’in Shih Huang Ti begins driving the nomadic Hsiung-Nu and Yüeh-Chih tribes westward.
218 B.C.: Hannibal of Carthage launches Second Punic War against Romans, marching from Spain, over Alps, and into Italy.
216 B.C.: Carthaginians under Hannibal deal Romans a stunning defeat at Cumae.
213 B.C.: Emperor Ch’in Shih Huang Ti calls for burning of most books in China.
207 B.C.: End of shortlived Ch’in Dynasty in China; power struggle follows.
206 B.C.: Rebel forces under Hsiang Yü take capital of China.
202 B.C.: Having defeated Hsiang Yü, Liu Pang (Kao Tzu) becomes emperor, establishes Han Dynasty in China.
202 B.C.: Roman forces under Scipio defeat Hannibal and the Carthaginians at Zama.
c. 200 B.C.: Eratosthenes, librarian of Alexandria, makes remarkable accurate measurement of Earth’s size.
198 B.C.: Seleucids gain control of Palestine.
197 B.C.: Romans defeat Macedonian forces under Philip V at Cynocephalae; beginning of end of Macedonian rule in Greece.
195 B.C.: Antiochus the Great, at height of his power, arranges marriage of his daughter Cleopatra I to Ptolemy IV of Egypt.
195 B.C.: Hannibal flees Carthage, takes refuge with Antiochus the Great.
191 B.C.: Roman forces defeat Antiochus the Great at Thermopylae.
190 B.C.: Romans under Scipio defeat Seleucid king Antiochus the Great at Magnesia, and add Asia Minor to their territories.
186 B.C.: Mauryan Empire of India collapses.
170s B.C.: Parthians begin half-century of conquests, ultimately replacing Seleucids as dominant power in Iran and southwest Asia.
165 B.C.: Nomadic Yüeh-Chih tribes, driven out of China, arrive in Bactria; later, Kushans emerge as dominant tribe.
c. 150 B.C.: Greco-Bactrians under Menander invade India.
149 B.C.: Romans launch Third Punic War against Carthage.
146 B.C.: Romans complete their conquest of Greece.
146 B.C.: Romans completely destroy Carthage, ending Third Punic War.
133 B.C.: Chinese emperor Han Wu-ti launches four decades of war which greatly expand Chinese territory.
130 B.C.: Wu Ti establishes first civil-service exams in China.
c. 130 B.C.: Kushans begin a century-long series of conquests, ultimately absorbing Greco-Bactrian kingdom.
128 B.C.: Emperor WuTi effectively destroys the power of feudal lords in China.
121 B.C.: Roman reformer Gaius Gracchus commits suicide after some 3,000 of his followers are murdered.
c. 120 B.C.: Chang Chi’en, on a mission for Emperor Wu Ti, makes first Chinese contact with Greek-influenced areas.
108 B.C.: China, under Wu Ti, conquers Korea.
101 B.C.: Marius defeats Cimbri, a northern European tribe.
c. 100 B.C.: End of Olmec civilization in Mesoamerica.
95 B.C.: Tigranes II, who later makes Armenia a great power, assumes throne.
88 B.C.: Social War ends; Rome extends citizenship to non-Roman Italians.
88 B.C.: Sulla, rival of Roman consul Marius, becomes commander of forces against Mithradates the Great of Pontus in Asia Minor.
77 B.C.: Roman general Pompey sent to crush uprising in Spain.
c. 75 B.C.: Julius Caesar distinguishes himself with successful attacks against Cilician pirates, as well as Mithradates of Pontus.
73 B.C.: Slaves under Spartacus revolt in Capua, beginning Gladiatorial War; soon they have an army of 100,000.
71 B.C.: Gladiatorial War ends with defeat of slave army by Crassus.
69 B.C.: Rome begins taking over lands conquered by Tigranes of Armenia; conquest largely complete within three years.
60 B.C.: Julius Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus form First Triumvirate.
55 B.C.: Roman troops under Julius Caesar invade, but do not conquer, Britain; another invasion follows the next year.
51 B.C.: After death of her father, Ptolemy XII, Cleopatra becomes coruler of Egypt with her brother and husband.
49 B.C.: Pompey orders Julius Caesar to return from Rome; Caesar crosses the River Rubicon with his army.
48 B.C.: Cleopatra forced out of power in Egypt by a group loyal to her brother.
48 B.C.: Julius Caesar’s forces defeat Pompey at Pharsalus in Greece; Pompey flees to Egypt, where he is assassinated.
48 B.C.: Julius Caesar arrives in Egypt, meets and begins affair with Cleopatra.
47 B.C.: Julius Caesar helps Cleopatra defeat her brother, Ptolemy XIII.
46 B.C.: Cleopatra goes to Rome with Julius Caesar.
44 B.C.: On March 15, a group of conspirators assassinates Julius Caesar in the chambers of the Roman senate.
44 B.C.: Octavian, Mark Antony, and Lepidus form Second Triumvirate.
41 B.C.: Cleopatra and Mark Antony begin political and personal alliance.
37 B.C.: Mark Antony leaves his wife, Octavian’s sister, and joins Cleopatra; launches military campaigns in southwest Asia.
37 B.C.: Herod the Great becomes vassal king in Roman-controlled Judea.
36 B.C.: Octavian removes Lepidus from power, begins dealing with Mark Antony.
32 B.C.: Roman senate, at the urging of Octavian, declares war on Cleopatra.
31 B.C.: Roman forces destroy Mark Antony and Cleopatra’s fleet at Actium in Greece on September 2; Antony commits suicide.
31 B.C.: Beginning of Octavian’s sole control of Rome, end of a century of unrest.
31 B.C.: Beginning of Pax Romana, or “Roman Peace,” which prevails throughout Roman world for two centuries.
30 B.C.: Suicide of Cleopatra VII; Romans establish control of Egypt.
27 B.C.: Octavian declared Emperor Augustus Caesar by Roman senate; Roman Empire effectively established.
24 B.C.: Romans attempt unsuccessfully to conquer southwestern Arabia.
17 B.C.: Vergil’s Aeneid published.
c. 6 B.C.: Jesus Christ born.

9 A.D.: Wang Mang usurps throne of Han Dynasty in China, establishing Hsin Dynasty.
9 A.D.: Forces of Augustus Caesar defeated by Germans, ending Roman expansion to the north.
14 A.D.: Augustus Caesar dies; his stepson Tiberius becomes emperor, marking official establishment of Roman Empire.
23 A.D.: Han Dynasty regains control of China; beginning of the Later Han Period.
c. 30 A.D.: Jesus Christ dies.
c. 36 A.D.: Saul has vision on road to Damascus which leads him to embrace Christianity; becomes most important apostle.
41 A.D.: Caligula killed by Roman military; Claudius becomes emperor.
43 A.D.: Rome launches last major conquest, in Britain.
47 A.D.: Victorious in Britain, Romans demand that all Britons surrender their weapons.
49 A.D.: Council of Jerusalem, early meeting of Christians attended by the apostle Paul, is held.
c. 50 A.D.: Josephus, Jewish historian whose work is one of the few non-biblical sources regarding Jesus, flourishes.
60 A.D.: After the Romans attack her family, Boadicea, queen of the Iceni people in Britain, leads revolt.
64 A.D.: Rebuilding of Temple in Jerusalem, begun by Herod the Great in 20 B.C., completed.
64 A.D.: Fire sweeps Rome; Nero accused of starting it.
64 A.D.: Nero blames Christians for fire in Rome, beginning first major wave of persecutions.
65 A.D.: After suicide of his advisor, the philosopher Seneca, Nero becomes increasingly uncontrollable.
69 A.D.: Vespasian becomes Roman emperor, begins establishing order throughout empire.
70 A.D.: Future Roman emperor Titus, son of Vespasian, destroys Jerusalem and its temple.
c. 78 A.D.: Kaniska, greatest Kushan ruler, takes throne; later extends Buddhism to China.
79 A.D.: Mount Vesuvius erupts, destroying the city of Pompeii in Italy.
81 A.D.: Death of Titus; his brother, the tyrannical Domitian, becomes Roman emperor.
c. 90 A.D.: John writes Revelation, last book in the Bible.
98 A.D.: Roman historian Tacitus publishes Germania, one of the few contemporary accounts of German tribes and Britons.
100 A.D.: The Sakas, a Scythian tribe, take over Kushan lands in what is now Afghanistan.
c. 100 A.D.: Taoism, based on the ideas of Lao-tzu six centuries before, becomes a formal religion in China.
c. 100 A.D.: Establishment of Teotihuacán, greatest city of ancient America.
c. 100 A.D.: Old Silk Road, trade route between East and West, established.
135 A.D.: Roman emperor Hadrian banishes Jews from Jerusalem.
c. 150 A.D.: Nomadic Hsien-Pei tribe of China briefly conquers a large empire.
161 A.D.: Tiber River floods, causing famine in Rome.
161 A.D.: Greek physician Galen goes to Rome; later becomes physician to Marcus Aurelius and other emperors.
165 A.D.: Romans destroy Parthian capital at Ctesiphon, bringing an end to Parthian control over Persia.
175 A.D.: Roman general Avidius Cassius revolts against Marcus Aurelius in Syria, but is assassinated by one of his soldiers.
180 A.D.: Marcus Aurelius, last of the four “good” Roman emperors, dies; he is replaced by his wild son Commodus.
184 A.D.: Yellow Turbans lead revolt against Han Dynasty emperor of China; revolt is crushed five years later by Ts’ao Ts’ao.
192 A.D.: Roman emperor Commodus assassinated; Septimus Severus (r. 192-211), tries unsuccessfully to restore order.
200s A.D.: Diogenes Laertius writes Lives of the Eminent Philosophers, primary information source on Greek philosophers.
c. 200 A.D.: Zapotec people establish Monte Albán, first true city in Mesoamerica.
c. 200 A.D.: Anasazi tribe appears in what is now the southwestern United States.
220 A.D.: Later Han Dynasty of China ends.
221 A.D.: Three Kingdoms period in China begins.
c. 226 A.D.: Sassanian dynasty begins in Persia.
235 A.D.: Rome enters period of unrest in which 20 emperors hold the throne in just 49 years.
mid-200s A.D.: Shapur I, Sassanian ruler, takes Syria from Romans.
253 A.D.: Roman recovery begins with the emperor Gallienus, who later brings persecution of Christians to temporary end.
265 A.D.: Three Kingdoms period in China ends.
270 A.D.: Aurelian begins reign as Roman emperor.
270 A.D.: Queen Zenobia of Palmyra launches revolt against Roman Empire, conquers most of Syria and Egypt.
284 A.D.: Aurelian assassinated, Roman army chooses Diocletian as emperor; Diocletian ends period of unrest with series of reforms.
300s A.D.: Buddhism enters China.
300s A.D.: Books of the Bible compiled; some—the so-called Apocryphal Books—are rejected by early Christian bishops.
301 A.D.: Armenia becomes first nation to officially adopt Christianity.
302 A.D.: Diocletian resumes persecution of Christians.
307 A.D.: Constantine, last powerful Roman emperor, begins reign.
313 A.D.: Constantine declares an end to persecution of Christians in Roman Empire.
317 A.D.: Eastern Chin Dynasty established in China.
c. 320 A.D.: Candra Gupta establishes Gupta Empire in India.
325 A.D.: King Ezana of Aksum goes to war against Kush and destroys Meröe.
325 A.D.: Council of Nicaea adopts Nicene Creed, Christian statement of faith; declares Arianism a heresy.
330 A.D.: Constantine renames Greek city of Byzantium; as Constantinople, it becomes eastern capital of Roman Empire.
c. 335 A.D.: Candra Gupta dies; his son Samudra Gupta takes throne, and later conquers most of Indian subcontinent.
c. 335 A.D.: King Ezana converts to Christianity; nation of Aksum embraces the religion.
c. 355 A.D.: Huns appear in eastern Europe.
361 A.D.: Roman emperor Julian begins reign; later tries to reestablish pagan religion.
376 A.D.: Samudra Gupta, ruler of Gupta Empire in India, dies; Candra Gupta II, greatest Gupta ruler, takes throne.
379 A.D.: Theodosius becomes Roman emperor; last to rule a united Roman Empire.
383 A.D.: At Fei Shui, an Eastern Chin force prevents nomads from overrunning all of China.
386 A.D.: Toba nomads invade northern China and establish Toba Wei Dynasty.
394 A.D.: Roman emperor Theodosius I brings an end to ancient Olympic Games.
c. 400 A.D.: End of Kushite kingdom in Africa.
401 A.D.: Visigoth chieftain Alaric, driven out of Eastern Roman Empire, moves westward.
410 A.D.: Visigoths under Alaric sack Rome on August 24, hastening fall of western empire.
420 A.D.: End of Eastern Chin Dynasty in China.
434 A.D.: Huns arrive in what is now Austria; around this time, Attila emerges as their leader.
448 A.D.: Huns, under Attila, move into western Europe.
c. 450 A.D.: Hunas (Huns or Hsiung-Nu) invade Gupta Empire in India.
451 A.D.: Huns under Attila invade Gaul; defeated at Châlonssur-Marne.
500s A.D.: African kingdom of Aksum establishes control over “incense states” of southern Arabia.
c. 500 A.D.: Japanese adopt Chinese system of writing; beginnings of Japanese history.
c. 500 A.D.: Bantu peoples control most of southern Africa.
c. 540 A.D.: End of Gupta Empire in India.
554 A.D.: End of Toba Wei Dynasty in northern China.
575 A.D.: Sassanid Persians gain control over Arabian peninsula.
581 A.D.: Establishment of Sui Dynasty, and reunification of China.
600s A.D.: Rise of Islam and Arab power.
600s A.D.: Three kingdoms emerge as Korea establishes independence from China.
c. 600 A.D.: Civil-service examinations, pioneered by Emperor Han Wu-ti seven centuries before, formally established in China.
c. 600 A.D.: African kingdom of Aksum declines.
618 A.D.: End of Sui Dynasty, beginning of T’ang Dynasty, in China.
622 A.D.: Mohammed and his followers escape from Mecca (the Hegira); beginning of Muslim calendar.
642 A.D.: Founding of Cairo, Egypt.
672 A.D.: Muslims conquer Egypt.
c. 750 A.D.: Decline of Teotihuacán in Mesoamerica.
1300s A.D.: Lighthouse of Alexandria destroyed in earthquake.
1687 A.D.: Parthenon damaged by explosion during war.
1776-88 A.D.: British historian Edward Gibbon publishes 'The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'.
1798 A.D.: French forces under Napoleon invade Egypt; later French scholars develop modern Egyptology.
1799 A.D.: Rosetta Stone discovered by French troops in Egypt.
1800s A.D.: Gilgamesh Epic of Mesopotamia recovered by scholars.
1800s A.D.: Linguists discover link between Indo-European languages of India, Iran, and Europe.
1813 A.D.: French publication of Description of Egypt, first significant modern work about Egyptian civilization.
1821 A.D.: Jean-François Champollion deciphers Rosetta Stone, enabling first translation of Egyptian hieroglyphs.
1860 A.D.: First discovery of colossal stone heads carved by Olmec in Mexico.
1871 A.D.: Heinrich Schliemann begins excavations at Hissarlik in Turkey, leading to discovery of ancient Troy.
1876-78 A.D.: Heinrich Schliemann discovers ruins of Mycenae in Greece.
1894 A.D.: Pierre de Coubertin establishes modern Olympic Games; first Games held in Athens two years later.
Late 1800s A.D.: Archaeologists discover first evidence, outside of the Bible, of Hittite civilization in Asia Minor.
1922 A.D.: British archaeologist Howard Carter discovers tomb of Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamen.
1947-50s A.D.: Dead Sea scrolls discovered in Palestine.
1952 A.D.: Mycenaean Linear B script deciphered.
1960s A.D.: Archaeologists discover evidence of volcanic eruption on Greek island of Thera c. 1500 B.C.

From introduction of the 'Ancient Civilizations Almanac', Judson Knight & Lawrence Baker (Editors), UXL-Gale Publishers, U.S.A, 2000. Adapted to be posted by Leopoldo Costa.

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