

The controlled, sequential breakdown of organic material from complex proteins, carbohydrates, and fats into amino acids, simple sugars, and fatty acids is called "digestion".

The random, uncontrolled breakdown of organic material is called "putrefaction" (rotting).

The digestive system of the human body is designed to conduct food material through a long muscular tube which passes through the body from one end (mouth) to the other (anus). A virtual living conveyor belt or tunnel, the digestive system is constructed so that special proteins called enzymes are added to the "soup" at strategic locations along the way, to aid, hasten, and facilitate the breakdown of organic material in a sequenced and controlled fashion so that the nutrients can be absorbed into the blood before it (the food material) putrefies (rots) as it (the food material) journeys through the (digestive) system.

Once again, the simplest form of a protein is an "amino acid". Amino acids are used by the body for construction (growth and repair). The construction of complex and simple proteins takes place in the cells, using single amino acids gleaned from the digestion system as building blocks.

Complex carbohydrates and polysaccharides (many-sugar compounds) are broken down into simple sugars and are utilized in the cells of the body as fuel for energy production and heat. More specifically, just like charcoal is burned in your barbecue, the carbon (C) from the sugar molecule is chemically “burned” in the cell’s furnace called the mitochondria. The energy from this process is stored in the body in the form of little “packets” of energy called ATP (Adenosine-TriPhosphate). ATP is like little chemical springs which are wound tight and ready to release their stored energy when a certain event is triggered.

Fatty acids are the basic forms of fats and oils which are commonly referred to as lipids. (Fats are carbon-hydrogen-oxygen complexes which are solid at room temperature, whereas oils are liquid at room temperature.) Fats (lipids) are utilized by the body for reserve energy supply, padding, insulation, and as a temporary reservoir or "holding tank" for potential toxins or poisons (most toxins are fat soluble).

Most people relate the over-consumption of sugar to diabetes. But in addition to insulin, the pancreas also produces digestive enzymes.

Digestive enzymes are specially shaped proteins (chemical "keys") which unlock the chemical bonds which hold molecules of organic material together in the shape and form of the food material which was just eaten. All living organisms manufacture special enzymes for their own ultimate decomposition, which means that "live" food carries its own complement of enzymes for its own eventual catabolic (breakdown) process. Dead, artificial, or chemical "foods" have no live, active enzymes to aid in the digestion process. The body must therefore “manufacture” these enzymes “at a price”. Therefore these artificial foods tax (overload) the body's overall energy capacity by attempting to manufacture digestive enzymes in sufficient quality, quantity, and sequence. This procedure over time will eventually exhaust the pancreas and the body develops a degenerative condition that Western medicine calls diabetes.

Remember that proper digestion demands that the correct (molecular) bonds must be broken or unlocked at the correct and proper interval and sequence, otherwise putrefaction instead of digestion occurs. When varied food combinations, with destroyed (cooking destroys enzymes) or non-existent (artificial, chemicalized food) enzymes, enter the body at the same time, the body's enzyme production complex becomes overwhelmed, confused, and neutralized, setting the stage for putrefaction. (Proper food combination is critical to the efficient digestion process.) The useless, denatured proteins from putrefaction enter the blood stream from the small intestine and are conducted to the liver for detoxification. Remember that there is no way back from putrefaction. This is a one-way street. Once putrefaction has occurred, the substance becomes toxic to the human body and must be removed from the body.

In addition, a molecule of water is necessary for the final breakdown of protein into amino acids. Without the water molecule, the protein passes to the large intestine where it putrefies, which increases the risk of colon cancer (more conversation on fiber and colon problems later). This constant overload severely compromises the enzyme production procedure, and liver congestion from toxic residues impairs liver function over time, so that degenerative conditions and symptoms begin to develop. Every body's defense capacity is different, so that some people experience dis-ease symptoms early in life while others can manage to last into their 60's and 70's before the inevitable occurs.

So far we have discussed digestive or catabolic enzymes. We must also consider anabolic enzymes. Anabolic enzymes facilitate the construction of new material as opposed to destruction of “food” material as is the case with digestive enzymes. Vitamins are anabolic co-enzymes. We will discuss anabolic enzymes further along in this text.

To complicate matters, another principle of physics called "diffusion" comes into play...to be more precise, the diffusion of water molecules from a space of high concentration to a space of low concentration is called "osmosis". The presence of water in the cells of organic material facilitates any potential chemical reaction, including decomposition. Therefore to retard decomposing or spoiling of food material, people throughout the ages have used sugar and salt to literally "draw out" the water from the cells of the food material (through the process of osmosis) thereby "preserving" the food. Air-drying and sun-drying also accomplish dehydration (water removal).

This process sounds innocuous enough until we consider that the digestive system itself, more specifically the tissues in the intestine are also organic material which require water to be able to function. Consequently salt, sugar, nitrites, nitrates, and other chemical preservatives do the same thing to the intestinal tissues that they do to cucumbers and cabbage...THEY GET PICKLED. The tissues become leathery and cannot adequately absorb amino acids, simple sugars, and fatty acids as they were designed to do, and the body is starved of necessary nutrients required to maintain an adequate immune system and brain function and integrity (even though the belly is full).

People who drink sugar-loaded drinks to quench their thirst actually become more dehydrated and thirsty the more they drink because of the "intestinal pickling" process.

Some individuals recognize that they might be "missing" something, so they supplement their diet with vitamins. Good idea, but we have two problems. First, vitamins are anabolic (construction) enzymes (We need digestive enzymes first.) and second, almost all commercially manufactured vitamins are composed of chemicals which have NO electromagnetic "Life Force" which the body needs to "steer" the nutrients to the proper destination in the body.

More importantly, these manufactured 'nutrients" show the wrong electron spin configuration when exposed to polarized light. The manufactured amino acid complexes display right hand (D-) spin. The human body requires left hand spin (L-) amino acids. The "D" configuration is more toxic and potentially dangerous to the body than no vitamins at all. There are a few (very few) companies who produce natural nutrients with the correct electromagnetic configuration for the human body. Unfortunately, these products carry a higher price tag than the Thrifty or Trader Joe's type supplements.

There’s just one last issue that needs to be addressed here. Both plants and animals produce enzymes. Otherwise life could not begin or continue. But what is required to produce an enzyme? All enzymes and co-enzymes (vitamins) are constructed around MINERALS. Without minerals we have no enzymes. No enzymes…no life.

There are two important issues concerning minerals. Minerals can be classified either “organic” or “inorganic”. Inorganic minerals are minerals from the soil or rocks. Humans cannot digest rocks. Plants can digest rocks. When plants eat rocks, they (the plants) link a protein to the minerals, which carries a charge. This allows the minerals to be absorbed into the human digestion system more readily. The positive (ionic) charge on the plant minerals attracts the negative (ionic) charge in the small intestine so that they can be taken up into the blood stream more easily.

Minerals that are not naturally “chelated” in plants must be chelated in the stomach. Minerals are crystals with smooth surfaces. There is no “bare” mineral up-take mechanism in the human digestion system. The small intestine will only accept amino acids, simple sugars, and fatty acids. Therefore the mineral must play “Trojan Horse”. A mineral must hitch a ride with a protein in order to get into the blood stream. The protein must hold on to the mineral. However, there are no “handles” on the smooth surfaced mineral. This is where HCl (hydrochloric acid) enters the picture. The HCl etches grooves or “handles” into the sides of the mineral so that the protein can hang on. This process is called “chelation”. Without adequate concentrations of HCl in the stomach, we quickly deplete our mineral supply (See the chapter on Hiatal Hernia.).

We get organic minerals predominantly from vegetables. We get vitamins predominantly from fresh raw fruits. Cooking will not destroy minerals. Cooking and preserving does destroy vitamins and enzymes.

The bottom line is that proper food combination with live natural foods (as outlined by the Natural Hygiene Society) and adequate supplementation with quality nutrient supplements is critical to good health. The most important first step is to stop the pollution habits and behaviors. Next clean out. Then supplement if necessary. Adding supplements to a system that is paralyzed by toxic residue is just wasting time, money, and energy.

That means:
NO refined sugar, salt, or flour products
NO alcohol
NO dairy (especially homogenized)
NO caffeine or other "uppers or downers"
NO drugs of any kind

It makes no sense to expect to drain the sink while the water is running full blast.


Rule #1: Drink water.

REASON: The body needs water to digest protein and to flush waste material from the tissues.

Rule #2: Eat fruit by itself. Do not put fruit in the stomach with anything else.

REASON: Fruit is already sugar. It needs no further digestion. It needs to leave the stomach as soon as possible to avoid fermentation in a warm, dark, moist place (the stomach). Sugar = alcohol = formaldehyde (embalming fluid).

Rule #3: Do not mix starches and proteins in the stomach at the same time.

REASON: Starches require alkaline digestive environment and proteins require an acid environment for digestion. Acids and alkalines neutralize each other resulting in putrefaction instead of digestion.

Rule #4: Do not mix concentrated foods in the stomach at the same time. (See list below)

REASON: Concentrated, complex foods require a digestion sequence ranging from acid to alkaline. The priority and sequence is different for each group and therefore would result in indigestion if combined.


Group #1: Meats and anything produced with or from animals such as dairy, eggs, etc.
Group #2: Grains – rice – millet – oats – wheat – barley, etc.
Group #3 Legumes – Beans – dried peas, etc.
Group #4 Tubers – potatoes – peanuts, etc.

1) Choose one of the above groups for the meal.
2) Do not mix representatives of these groups with each other.
3) Eat with a vegetable and/or a salad.

Vegetables (including greens) digest relatively simply in a wide range of pH. Therefore they can safely be combined with any of the above groups.

All foods are composed of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats in varying degrees of concentration. Most foods are predominantly one or the other. In the “concentrated” food groups, molecular bonding is more complex. This requires a more complicated and sequenced breakdown process. Controlled acid/alkaline (pH) changes are necessary to break the complex molecular bonds in sequence so that “proper” and complete digestion occurs rather than partial digestion and some putrefaction. Putrefaction (rotting) takes place when the breakdown process happens randomly.

The body scans the DNA of the food that has just been eaten and initiates the proper pH environment for that particular food to digest in proper sequence. This pH environment and sequencing may be different for different concentrated foods. Therefore, combining these “concentrated” foods in the stomach at the same time may cause a disruption in the pH sequencing,, thereby resulting in random molecular bond breakdown (putrefaction by definition). Salad type vegetables are less complex in that they need less specific pH control and can compatibly withstand the pH changes in the stomach required by more complex foods. Once the food has reached the small intestine, the pH needs to be rather constant at around 7.4 because the next stop is the blood which must be maintained at 7.4 pH.

Planning meals so that foods mix in the small intestine (rice for lunch and beans for supper) and not in the stomach at the same time may provide the body with the necessary amino acids to be able to construct a “complete” protein. Remember that the reconstruction process does not begin until the amino acids get into the cell and then if and only if the proper anabolic (reconstruction) enzymes are available.

When we misuse and abuse our bodies by putting things into it that are not compatible with the system as described above, there are consequences. These consequences usually take the form of pain and discomfort. Pain is the body’s method of getting our attention. If we do not make the necessary adjustments in our behavior, the message (pain) gets louder until we do finally act. But by then we have typically fallen into recognizable ache and pain profiles which Western medicine puts labels on and usually tries to anesthetize the symptoms with drugs and surgery which in turn causes more pain and discomfort over the long haul.

By Phil Selinsky, N.D. available in http://www.thehumanmachine.com/. Adapted and illustrated to be posted by Leopoldo Costa.

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