

The first recorded civilization that we have on the books of antiquity is Sumer, which is in modern-day southern Iraq. Right out of the Stone Age, the Sumerian culture comes into existence and they create over one hundred of the “firsts” needed for a modern civilization: schools, astronomy, medicine, agriculture, and so on. Many of the pinnacle developments that we use today sprung up overnight in southern Iraq. We see this technology, spawned in ancient Iraq, being disseminated through all of the other Middle Eastern cultures and into South America as well.

How did this take place if there weren’t any transoceanic cultures at that time? Maybe as the ancient people tell us, their gods were possibly also extraterrestrials and would’ve had very easy global access to all the civilizations.

What’s interesting about the Sumerian culture is that they’ve left us artifacts and stone tablets that still exist today. Their written language, cuneiform script, was recorded in clay. Zecharia Sitchin was a linguist who not only translated Sumerian cuneiform writings, but also looked at other cultures, saw how certain words were shared, and then validated them as accurate linguistic translations. Sitchin really took the next step in making the connections between Sumer and other cultures, and not just by showing the translation of a word or a phrase. He spent fifty years doing research into these topics.

Sitchin was also one of the scholars to pioneer the idea that the Sumerian gods, the Anunnaki, were flesh-and-blood beings, basing his conclusions on the Sumerians’ cuneiform writings, which very clearly describe a race of beings who lived among them and whom they described as being their gods.

If you were to ask an ancient Sumerian, “How is it that you know so much about astronomy and mathematics?” they’d have said, “Everything we know we were taught by the Anunnaki,” meaning those who come from heaven to Earth. The Sumerians were very clear in diagramming all of the known planets in our solar system accurately. However, they included an additional planet, which they called Nibiru and identified it as the home planet of the Anunnaki.

Sumerian depictions of the Anunnaki always show them as descending from the skies in a winged disk. Why a winged disk? Well, ancient humans didn’t understand technology the way we do today. So after seeing a being like this coming down from the heavens in some type of craft, they gave the craft wings to show that it had the power of flight. It means they were witnessing the power of flight.

The Anunnaki are said to have originally arrived on Earth 450,000 years ago. They came seeking gold and precious elements to repair their planet’s dwindling atmosphere. They explained to the Sumerians that through their own rise to a technological culture, they damaged their atmosphere—but found that they could repair it by spraying fine particulates of gold into the atmosphere. Sitchin translated ancient Sumerian tablets that describe the Anunnaki using Mars as a way station in transporting gold from Earth to Nibiru. And there are descriptions of a large monument of an Anunnaki face being built on Mars—which still exists today as the face on Mars.


On the east bank of the Tigris River, near the modern city of Mosul, Iraq, lie the ruins of the ancient city of Nineveh. Historians call this part of the world the “cradle of civilization” because it was home to the Sumerians, an advanced civilization that originally inhabited Mesopotamia from approximately 3000 to 4000 BC. The ancient Sumerians created the first-known form of writing, called cuneiform, consisting of shapes and symbols inscribed on clay tablets or carved into stone. For three millennia, the cuneiform writing system was used by ancient peoples. But by the second century AD, the script had become extinct, and all knowledge of how to read it would be lost for thousands of years.

It was in the ruins of Nineveh that archaeologists discovered great archives of as many as thirty thousand of these cuneiform clay tablets. Like many ancient cultures, the Sumerians devoted their writing to accounts of the creation of Earth and humankind. But what has puzzled archaeologists for years were the stories the Sumerians wrote about their gods, a tribe of beings they called the “Anunnaki.” The Sumerians believed these “gods” had descended from the sky to Earth long before the Sumerians had arrived in Nineveh.

A decade after the discovery of the trove of tablets, archaeologists stumbled upon another find that would shock the world: the ruins of the legendary Sumerian capital city of Ur. For centuries, this city was thought to have been a myth. But at this site, scientists discovered the great Ziggurat of Ur, a pyramid-shaped structure over one hundred feet high that was said to have been the administrative center of the city. The cuneiform tablets found at this site revealed an actual ancient Sumerian culture that was versed in agriculture, science, medicine, mathematics, kingship, laws, courts, judges, and schools. Yet, of the half million to two million cuneiform tablets that have been excavated in modern times, only about thirty thousand to one hundred thousand have been read or published. Millions of tablets wait to reveal their secrets. Could it be that here, in the ancient cuneiform texts, we will find further evidence of aliens coming to Earth and sharing their extensive knowledge?

When the Anunnaki first landed here on Earth, some were assigned to dig canals and others to work in mining. Others were assigned to do ship building and things at sea. After about forty or fifty years, the Anunnaki who were building the canals and doing the mining on Earth started to revolt. These gods said, Listen, this work is too much of a laborious task for us. We would like to create a slave race fashioned from the hominoid being that lives here naturally, that would do the work for us. And that’s exactly what the Sumerian texts tell us: human beings were created to assist the gods in doing their work.

It’s an interesting similarity that the Sumerians describe the Anunnaki coming here and creating us in their image, just as the Bible says God did with Adam and Eve, but with the Anunnaki, it’s for a specific purpose—to mine gold for them. And if we think about our obsession with gold today, people have only to hold gold and they get excited, not to mention gold’s monetary value in our current financial structure. Maybe we’re even genetically programmed to not only mine the gold, but to really like the gold.

Sumerian legends describe how two Anunnaki scientists created us in their image, how they genetically engineered the first human being. Interestingly, our DNA contains a bunch of “junk DNA.” And we haven’t been able to determine what this is possibly used for. Humans’ genetic structure seems to have been patched together, spliced here, moved there. It’s a very disorganized system, in which we have actual genetic leftover material. So, many theories suggest that “junk DNA” could be leftover extraterrestrial material.

Mainstream science tries to explain human evolution by looking at fossil records of different skulls and bones and drawing a connection between us and the Neanderthal or the Australopithecus, whom we know was evolving here on Earth. But they haven’t been able to find what they call the missing link, some type of species that actually connects us to the Neanderthal. Because they are in no way us. They’re big boned; they’re full of hair. If we were born into the wild, we would burn from the sun, we would get cut by leaves and branches—somehow along the way, there was a genetic intervention from the Neanderthal to us.

When we look at the Enuma Elish, the Babylonian creation epic written in Sumerian cuneiform, we see a very interesting description of how the first man was created. When we look at the pictogram that accompanies the Enuma Elish, we see a scene of the chief Anunnaki scientist, Ninhursag, holding up the atom. And, as a backdrop, we see what appear to be vases or tubes on a shelf. Could this be the first sign of an in vitro fertilization?

An ancient cuneiform star map excavated from the seventh century BC Library of Ashurbanipal in the ruins of Nineveh, Iraq. The oldest surviving royal library in the world, it comprises more than thirty thousand cuneiform texts.

The Enuma Elish also recounts a war breaking out among the Anunnaki, and describes the god Marduk returning to Jupiter. This could be partly why they kept such accurate astronomical data, perhaps for tracking this exiting and returning of their god. The Babylonians were very astute astronomers. They built structures that allowed them to do very specific measurements of the sky, and recorded this as sacred information, sometimes over hundreds or even thousands of years.

But they aren’t the only ones. It turns out that all over the planet, we have stone edifices where there have been clear observations that allow for astronomical movements to have been tracked. A lot of these places around the world that were used for astronomical observations could have been set up for a specific reason why they were watching the sky. It could be that they were aware of a larger cycle of time that talked about the return of certain gods that would be coming to Earth. And it seems that every culture around the world has a similar line of watching the heavens for key markers of changes, to know when something might predict the return of their gods.

Maybe there’s a deeper layer of our history that we can discover by unearthing some of these artifacts and seeing that there is a technological part of our history we still have yet to uncover. And if we look at all the other ancient cultures—the Mayans, the Inca, the Egyptians—they all have this knowledge of a celestial-based time system. A lot of information that we hold as sacred mythological tales could in fact be data describing a time when humans interacted with living gods, what we would today call extraterrestrials.

There are many similarities in mythologies around the world that speak of a time when gods lived among their people. We look at it now as simply mythology. But every culture around the world went to great lengths to inscribe hieroglyphs and create huge monuments dedicated to their gods, which talk about a time when their gods were actually here. Many of the biblical stories that take place in what were once considered mythical locations, such as the ancient city of Ur, have been discovered by archaeologists and confirmed as real. And when they excavated the ancient city of Ur they found unbelievable artifacts, like the flood tablet, which is one of the earliest recorded tellings of a great deluge, of the Flood.

When we analyze the Sumerian myths about the Anunnaki, we really need to consider them in that light. Everything else the Sumerians left us our science has confirmed is accurate—from mathematics and astronomical information to laws, courts, and judges. Unfortunately, though, when they talk about the Anunnaki, science still has a problem crossing that line that extraterrestrials exist.



The oldest writing system in the world, cuneiform—wedge-shaped writing—was developed by the Sumerians but used by all of the great Mesopotamian civilizations, from the Assyrians to the Babylonians. Clay tablets were the ideal medium for everyday cuneiform records such as bills and inventories, but cuneiform was also carved into stone at temples and monuments.

Written by Jason Martell in "Ancient Aliens - The Official Companion Book", HarperCollins, USA, 2016. Digitized, adapted and illustrated to be posted by Leopoldo Costa.

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