

The Texas Cattlemen's Association met with the Texas Animal Health Commission for the purpose of drafting draconian measures to be invoked in case Foot-and-Mouth disease came to North America, especially Texas. One attendee suggested a quarantine so strict it would forbid workers to leave cattle pen premises. The logistics of a kill order, war on the offending virus via the same kill, burn and bury sequence, vaccination -- all were discussed. Not considered was a program that would work. That program would be to kill the virus, not the animals.

Scare-oriented media have brainwashed the public into seeing Foot-and-Mouth disease as another Black Death. By rationing the truth and serving what appears to be a WHO agenda, farmers are prevented from protecting their animals from infection and treating them successfully with technology both available and of long standing.


Rudolph Steiner, the founder and practitioner of biodynamic agriculture, told his followers that Foot-and-Mouth -- once known as Hoof-and-Mouth, until it was detected in laboratory mice -- was a consequence of feeding cattle animal protein and high urea.
In the United Kingdom, the veterinary profession is deliriously happy. The European Commissioner has noted that they have identified 13 different strains of the virus, once categorized as three strains of Aftosa viruses with varying virulence. The deadly cardiac type had the reputation for wiping out a herd in short order, some of the infected animals dropping dead of heart failure before they could develop lesions in the mouth or on the hoofs.
In his seminal work, The Survival Factor in Neoplastic and Viral Diseases, Dr. William Frederick Koch detailed such an epizootic, an abstract of which follows. The nature and cure of the infection was made a matter of record by the Agriculture College, Brazil.
There were 59 head of cattle and 200 pigs. The professor expected his herd to be wiped out, since five animals had died quickly. Other animals went down, unable to rise. Still others exhibited lesions in the mouth and feet, but were able to walk.
All of the live animals were treated. Fifteen were calves, 17 were young bulls, 15 were cows. All were considered favorable hosts for the destructive virus. Two cows and one calf died even after treatment. The rest of the herd were saved and exhibited no ill effects.
Treated swine fared as well, only 33 being symptom-free. Four animals died of infection, giving a cure rate of 98 percent. Prevention for the uninfected was 100 percent.
Immunity held for the three years the case was followed by Koch.
In another case, Dr. Alberto de Silva found Type C infection in the Rural University herd, circa 1957. Here the viruses had proved active every year, usually killing 10 percent of the cows. Milk production declined as a result of the disease. All the animals were treated, with no resultant deaths. Within hours after treatment, dried-up mammary glands secreted milk at the normal rate. Cure factor was 100 percent.
At the Rubino Institute in Montevideo, Uruguay, a bull-calf experiment was set up. All were infected with a cardiotropic virus that killed 80 percent in four to nine days. The other 20 percent became chronic heart cases that died later on. The virus was 100 percent fatal in the dose used.
The experts prepared a vaccine from this virus and protected 10 cows with it. Those 10 were sequestered from another group of 20 cows, half of which received the Koch treatment, the rest held as untreated controls.
The bottom line: All animals but one recovered when Koch treated, even though infected. Of the vaccinated animals, four of the 10 died. The untreated cows also became terminally ill, and lacking the facilities to incinerate the doomed animals, they were given the Koch treatment. All survived.
The treatment was simple, yet complicated. The boxed material appearing with this report presents an updated version of the concept involved. An explanation of the Koch treatment is deferred so that the anatomy of viral diseases can be explained.

The only way a virus can live is to find food. That food has to be toxic. It is the function of molds, fungi and bacteria to confer a suitable level of toxicity on human beings and animals. The molds run from white (mildly toxic) to red, which are lethal. A viral infection is not possible unless there is a suitably toxic host. In a manner of speaking, viruses are the key to the immune system. They have to utilize toxins, keeping in mind excesses are toxins.
In addition to nature's toxins, including those manufactured by the body itself, there are the manmade toxins, thousands of them spread across the Earth with reckless abandon over the past 50 years.
The invitation to viral infection has become ubiquitous, and the World Trade Organization mandate for disease-free zones so draconian, the simplest lesson of life and chemistry has been mislaid, ignored and forgotten.
The insanity of the U.K. program has achieved awesome perfection. The toxicity level achieved in the United Kingdom and Europe suggested the present disease explosion over seven years ago and was so postulated in Acres U.S.A.
Whenever animals become too concentrated per square mile, or too many within a given area, they almost always develop diseases because of toxicity buildup. Fecal and urine contamination is about the same as an equal number of human beings without sanitary facilities, hogs excepted because they produce about twice the pollution, certain other animals excepted because of size and feed capacity.
The supply of toxicity under the imprimatur of high science has exacerbated the natural problem exponentially.
The WTO mandate to create disease-free areas via animal annihilation runs counter to the laws of nature. This law allows the fittest to survive, namely the animals with immune systems that allow survival. The survivors become the propagators for survival of the species.
In the face of the true facts, the handlers of the British Commission and the USDA command annihilation not of the viruses, but the animal. And yet the viruses can't survive except for bad agronomy practices, reckless use of toxic genetic chemistry, and greed so egregious it calls for exposure of the university-medical-pharmaceutical complex as criminal elements in the world society.
Further, when you go beyond chemistry, beyond molds and bacteria, and get to the energy level, the mismatch in itself becomes a form of toxicity.
If a virus is present among the cattle, it is also present in the wild. Annihilating cattle en masse in order to create a disease-free area -- carcasses remaining unburied or unburned for days and weeks -- is merely an insurance policy for continued epizootic diseases. That's the word for widespread animal diseases, not epidemics (the favorite of the chatterbox commentators) which refers to human disease proliferation.
We can accept the axiom that if there's food for the virus, the virus will generate in the absence of oxygen. The oxygen thesis was confirmed at the time of the calfloo and pigloo experiments shortly after WWII. With only an air curtain on the south side, as opposed to a doghouse opening, it was discovered that in a full complement of oxygen, a pneumonia virus could travel only a few inches to find a new host. With even 1 percent deprivation of oxygen, the virus could reach the far wall of a fair-sized room. A well-situated host and an operative transport system has been and remains the author of any epizootic.

It was this inventory of information that brought on a clash between the Koch remedies and allopathic drugs and the American Medical Association circa WWII. Koch's approach utilized the oxygen connection. His formula relied on a homeopathic dilution, only one part of the remedial substance to one million parts of distilled water.
The medicine, the AMA asserted, was useless if harmless. In Survival Factor, Koch explained that he was looking for something that worked. He was a physician, not a veterinarian, and therefore most of his experiences merely helped terminal cancer patients, victims of polio, and degenerative metabolic disease victims in general.
Koch's approach can be explained as follows.
A dilution of the effective oxygen agent of one part per million carries thousands of billions of molecules in each cubic centimeter, and only one molecule is needed to start a catalytic action which can grow geometrically -- the "awesome chain reaction!"
This hypothesis relied on the work of Michael Faraday, the father of electricity, who revealed that each chemical had an electrical charge. Koch evaluated the electrical properties of his chemicals. In describing the dilution required to produce his catalyst, he said the electrons are more active with proper dilution. If only one molecule was required to start a chain reaction, a molecule with electrons properly activated kicked open the door to effective oxidation. Increasing oxidation was the objective of the catalyst.
It was oxygen that could sledgehammer a disease agent into oblivion. The carbonyl group, with its detoxifying action, proved to be the best common denominator. Koch explained all this to the FDA. This brought the AMA, the pharmaceutical industry and the FDA up fighting from their chairs.
Koch, much like Harry Hoxsey, became proscribed. He was brought to trial not once but twice. A parade of over 200 people -- including William H. Dow and William J. Hale of Dow Chemical Company -- testified on his behalf. It mattered not.
Dr. Morris Fishbein, of the AMA, had editorialized in the April 18, 1942, issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, claiming credit for having mobilized the FDA for the purpose of closing down the physician.
The FDA and AMA further mobilized the Federal Trade Commission. This regulatory agency challenged Koch's theory of toxin destruction by increased tissue oxidation. The agency asked the court for a federal injunction. The court did what most courts do. It ruled in favor of the government that pays its salary. Koch fled to Brazil, where he conducted the foot-and-mouth programs.
Koch's treatment had a name, glyoxylide. Koch bubbled ozone through glycerine, then diluted the product to the effective level. Canadians used it effectively in acetonemia, mastitis, brucellosis, and animal disease in general, shipping fever included. Shipping fever, of course, has been eradicated by the bureau process of calling it IBR -- infectious bovine rhinitis.

While America cowers and Brits continue their nihilistic program much like a medieval pogrom, or an Eichman variation thereof, a few able and dedicated scientists continue their work, standing on the shoulders of giants.
The use of hydrogen peroxide in animal husbandry is one of the most ignored developments in the U.S. farm papers. Equally unreported is the political nature of the U.K. animal program. As one Brit put it, "If you attended the right school, have the right connection, you're excused from the law, ethics, even from having common sense."
The WTO-Codex Alimentarius connection was given credibility in the British press when it was revealed that the ministry was making discreet inquiry about the availability of wood salvaged to burn animals at least four months before the Foot-and-Mouth event.
The WTO can call for disease-free areas, and Tony Blair can opt for EEC (European Economic Community), but there are the sweetheart deals that skirt the issue and are the issue.
Reports out of England have it that Lord Vestey had meat entering from his estate in Argentina. It is reported that Vestey's contract with the Army permitted mess-hall leavings to be picked up for pig feed. This operation probably transported the virus in the swill.
Unfortunately, the Koch remedies are gone, extinguished by the handlers of the agencies set up to protect people and farms, but the lessons remain.
Oxygen is the sworn enemy of viruses. Technically, it is the O1 nascent oxygen atom which is the oxidative fraction. That is the active medicinal element in hydrogen peroxide and ozone. Hydrogen peroxide is H2O2. Ozone is O3. The particular benefit of ozone is the extra oxygen atom. O3 splits into O2 plus O1, thus O3 ----> O1 + O2, the extra benefit of ozone. Thus the protocol presented with this report.

It is not possible to suggest that officials are unaware of this science or protocols and conclusions stated in this report. The U.S. officials know the country is rife with hairy warts on cattle feet, with downer cattle, sudden-death syndrome -- all spawned by toxic brews, aerosols and metabolic response thereto. How the political agenda plays itself out remains to be seen. For now, it is enough to note that five-way vaccines and seven-way vaccines are failing American farmers. A vaccination program for select Foot-and-Mouth targets in the United Kingdom will fare no better. With 60-some variants afloat, such an approach spells out stupidity raised to power numbers, ranking behind extermination of healthy animals because of geographical location as super-stupidity.

By Charles Walters / Acres USA   In: http://www.mindfully.org/. Edited to be posted by Leopoldo Costa

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